And that's exactly how it'd be IF there were a support group for us. There should be!!! I just ordered the Ninja Master Prep Professional Food and Drink Maker. By June 10, I'll be whipping up strawberry diaqueries, iced coffees, and homemade soups. I get giddy just thinking about putting the ground beef AND the cheese into the machine and mixing them together BEFORE I pat the burger out. Oh my....wait.. ITALIAN ICE!! I can't stand it... it's a "frozen banina" or something like that.,.. I couldn't hear the little guy over the sound of the powerful motor. BUT I DON"T CARE!... I'm going to be grinding out guacamole and my very own salsa while the rest of you poor dears are schlepping it to the grocery to buy that jarred stuff. I think I'll hook up my web cam and do my own in-kitchen demos for you that weren't fast enough to get your own thingamajig. Oh, gee whiz....they've just taken that one off the air and just in time! I got it ordered!! I got it ordered!!!! UPS is coming to my house! I can just imagine the thrill of the doorbell. I'll let you know when I'll be firing up the webcam. Stay tuned....
And, by looking at what Jane (the QVC hostess that is my BFF), is pushing now--YIKES! ....the clock is ticking and they've already sold 28,670 and there's only 36 seconds left..... I'm going to be chopping, dicing and mixing wearing a new Flower and Solid Turble Twist Hair Towel. And it comes in a pack of 6!!!
I CAN'T STAND IT!!!! This is too much. I've gotta go lie down.